Procedures & Reporting for Healthcare Providers

P: (828) 694-6019  |  F: (828) 697-4504

We follow protocols established by the Centers for Disease Control and the North Carolina Division of Public Health.

Statistical data for North Carolina and Henderson County is also available. 

Disease Reporting

Please use the Confidential Communicable Disease Report Form - Part 1. Reportable diseases with the required reporting time, 24 hours or 7 days, are listed on page 2 of the form. 

For diseases that require reporting within 24 hours please call 828-691-1309.

Reporting Steps:

  1. Physicians, or their designee, should complete the one-page form.
  2. Gather any medical records on this diagnosis including, but not limited to: office notes, labs, treatments, and medications.
  3. Fax or mail the form and medical records. Fax is the preferred method. 

Fax: (828) 697-4504 

Henderson County Department of Public Health
Communicable Disease Control Section
1200 Spartanburg Highway, Suite 100
Hendersonville, NC 28792