Procedures & Reporting for Healthcare Providers
P: (828) 694-6019 | F: (828) 697-4504
Statistical data for North Carolina and Henderson County is also available.
Disease Reporting
Please use the Confidential Communicable Disease Report Form - Part 1. Reportable diseases with the required reporting time, 24 hours or 7 days, are listed on page 2 of the form.
For diseases that require reporting within 24 hours please call 828-691-1309.
Reporting Steps:
- Physicians, or their designee, should complete the one-page form.
- Gather any medical records on this diagnosis including, but not limited to: office notes, labs, treatments, and medications.
- Fax or mail the form and medical records. Fax is the preferred method.
Fax: (828) 697-4504
Henderson County Department of Public Health
Communicable Disease Control Section
1200 Spartanburg Highway, Suite 100
Hendersonville, NC 28792