Senior Programs and Activities


Henderson County Parks and Recreation is starting senior programs/activities for our seniors, 50 and older, to have opportunities to get involved in the community, make new friends, and get active. Some of our activities allow seniors to prepare for the NC Senior Games where they compete with other seniors in our area and across the state. Weekly events include things like fun walks, lunch in the park, horseshoes, shuffleboard, croquet, disc golf, cornhole, kayaking, progressive painting, dance, etc. Click HERE for current 3 month schedule.  Please revisit site periodically to see any updates/changes to the schedule.  

fall senior

Senior Activities

September (Check Website for updates/changes)

Monday 9 2:00 @ AAC (708 S Grov St) - Cornhole, Basketball Shoot & Table Tennis

Wednesday 11 10:00am @ AAC (708 S Grove St) Rm 103- Fall Door Decorating Workshop (Flower Arrangement) (Canceled)

Thursday 12 2:00 @ AAC (708 S Grove St) - Basketball Shoot, Cornhole & Table Tennis

Monday 23 - 1:00 @ East Flat Rock Park - Disc Golf

Tuesday 24 2:00 @ AAC (708 S Grov St) - Cornhole, Basketball Shoot & Table Tennis

Thursday 26 1:00 @ Jackson Park - Croquet  (Cancelled)

Entire Fall Schedule