Saturday Skate Club

Skate Club


DROP IN to a group skate clinic at Patton Skatepark

*** Reservation required. ***

Helmet/Waiver are required. (waivers will be available at the skatepark)

*** Skilled Instructors *** 

This program is designed to help children 9 to 14 learn the fundamentals of skateboarding, rollerblading and roller skating. No Scooters.

Skateparks can be intimidating. Henderson County Parks and Recreation is offering a safe and exciting way for participants to become comfortable in skatepark settings. 

The link below has recommended safety equipment. Participants in this program can receive 30% off all triple eight/ 187 Killer Pad products.

The program is from 9am to 11am: 

Skate Days:

5.18.2024 - Register Here (if booked, please add your name to the wait list)

Equipment not included.

(This program is not child care, skate instruction will be under the supervision of the participant's guardian)

Program subject to weather. 

If you have any questions about Skate Club, please call Cory Blackwell (Recreation Supervisor) at 828-845-5780.