77-12. Rates and Charges.

  1. The franchisee must keep on file with the Henderson County Office of Emergency Medical Services its current rate schedule for services provided in accordance with the franchise. The franchisee is expressly prohibited from charging any rate of service that exceeds the comparable rate of service charged by Henderson County without first obtaining specific approval from the Henderson County Board of Commissioners.
  2. No ambulance service shall attempt to collect rates on emergency calls until the patient has reached the point of destination, has received medical attention and is in a condition deemed by the physician fit to consult with the ambulance service, but such service may attempt to collect rates with the family or guardian of the patient once the patient is in the process of receiving medical attention.
  3. On nonemergency calls, or calls where a person requires transportation to a nonemergency facility, attempts to collect payment can be made before the ambulance begins its trip.