76-1. Short Title
This article shall be known and may be cited and referred to as the "Emergency Management Ordinance for the County of Henderson."
76-2. Purpose; Coordinating Agency; County Departments and Volunteer Agencies.
- It is the intent and purpose of this article to establish an office that will ensure the complete and efficient utilization of all of the County of Henderson's resources to combat disaster resulting from enemy actions or other disasters as defined herein.
- The Henderson County Office of Emergency Management will be the coordinating agency for all activity in connection with emergency management. It will be the instrument through which the Henderson County Board of Commissioners may exercise the authority and discharge the responsibilities vested in it during disaster emergencies.
- This article will not relieve any County department of the moral responsibilities or authority given to it by the North Carolina General Statutes or by local ordinances, nor will it adversely affect the work of any volunteer agency organized for relief in disaster emergencies.
- This article shall apply to any municipality upon specific request of the governing body of the municipality and consent of the Henderson County Board of Commissioners through an interlocal agreement pursuant to N.C.G.S. Chapter 160A, Article 20. In such event, the Emergency Management Coordinator shall have the same powers and duties with respect to the municipality as he/she does for the County.
76-3. Definitions.
The following terms are defined for purposes of this Chapter:
- Attack - A direct or indirect assault against the County of Henderson, its government, its environs or the nation by the forces of a hostile nation or the agents thereof, including assault by bombing, conventional or nuclear, chemical or biological warfare, terrorism or sabotage.
- Coordinator - The Coordinator of the Henderson County Emergency Management Agency, appointed as prescribed in this article.
- Disaster/Emergency - Actual or threatened enemy attack, sabotage or extraordinary fire, flood, storm, epidemic, accident, chemical spill or other impending or actual calamity endangering or threatening to endanger health, life or property of constituted government.
- Emergency Management - The basic government function of maintaining the public peace, health and safety during an emergency. This term shall include plans and preparations for protection and relief, recovery and rehabilitation from effects of an attack by the forces of an enemy nation or the agents thereof or a disaster as defined herein. It shall not, however, include any activity that is the primary responsibility of the military forces of the United States.
- Emergency Management Forces - The employees, equipment and facilities of all County departments, boards, councils, institutions and commissions, and, in addition, it shall include all volunteer personnel, equipment and facilities contributed by, or obtained from, volunteer persons or agencies.
- Emergency Management Volunteer - Any person duly registered, identified and appointed by the Coordinator of the Henderson County Emergency Management Agency and assigned to participate in the emergency management activity.
- Regulations - Plans, programs and other emergency procedures deemed essential to emergency management.
- Volunteer - Contributing a service, equipment or facilities to the Emergency Management Agency without remuneration.
76-4. Organization and Appointments.
- The organization shall consist of the following:
- An Agency of Emergency Management within the Executive Department of the Henderson County government under the direction of the Henderson County Board of Commissioners through the County Manager. The agency head of the Henderson County Emergency Management Agency shall be known as the "Coordinator," and such assistants and other employees as are deemed necessary for the proper functioning of the Agency will be appointed.
- The employees and resources of all Henderson County departments, boards, institutions and councils shall participate in the emergency management activities. Duties assigned to County departments shall be the same as or similar to the normal duties of the department, where possible.
- Volunteer personnel and agencies offering service to, and accepted by, the County.
- The Henderson County Board of Commissioners shall appoint a Coordinator of the Henderson County Emergency Management Agency who shall be a person well-versed and trained in planning operations involving the activities of many different agencies which will operate to protect the public health, safety and welfare in the event of danger from enemy action or disaster as defined in this article.
- The Coordinator shall designate and appoint Deputy Coordinators to assume the emergency duties of the Coordinator in the event of his absence or inability to act.
76-5. Powers and Duties of Coordinator.
The Coordinator shall be responsible to the Henderson County Board of Commissioners through the Henderson County Manager in regard to all phases of emergency management activity. The Coordinator shall be responsible for the planning, coordination and operation of the emergency management activities in Henderson County. The Coordinator shall maintain liaison with the state and federal authorities and the authorities of nearby political subdivisions so as to ensure the most effective operation of the emergency management plans. The Coordinator's duties shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
- Coordinating the recruitment of volunteer personnel and agencies to augment the personnel and facilities of the County of Henderson for emergency management purposes.
- Developing and coordinating plans for the immediate use of all facilities, equipment, manpower and other resources of the County for the purpose of minimizing or preventing damage to persons and property and protecting and restoring to usefulness governmental services and public utilities necessary for the public health, safety and welfare.
- Negotiating standing agreements with owners or persons in control of buildings or other property for emergency management purposes, including use as public shelters, for approval by the Henderson County Board of Commissioners. In an emergency or disaster situation, the Emergency Management Coordinator shall have discretion and authority to designate other buildings and property for emergency management purposes and to negotiate with the owner of such property concerning such use; however, the Emergency Management Coordinator shall be required to make a full accounting to the Henderson County Board of Commissioners of expenditures, if any, associated with such designation at the next regular Board of Commissioners meeting following the conclusion of the emergency/disaster.
- Through public informational programs, educating the populace as to actions necessary and required for the protection of their persons and property in case of enemy attack or disaster as defined herein, either impending or present.
- Conducting public practice exercises to ensure the efficient operation of the emergency management forces and to familiarize residents with emergency management regulations, procedures and operations.
- Coordinating the activity of all other public and private agencies engaged in any emergency management activities.
76-6. Emergency Management Plans.
- Comprehensive emergency management plans shall be adopted and maintained by resolution of the Henderson County Board of Commissioners. In the preparation of these plans as they pertain to County organization, it is intended that the services, equipment, facilities and personnel of all existing departments and agencies shall be utilized to the fullest extent. When approved, it shall be the duty of all departments and agencies to perform the functions assigned by these plans and to maintain their portions of the plans in a current state of readiness at all times. These plans shall have the effect of law whenever a disaster, as defined in this article, has been proclaimed.
- The Coordinator shall prescribe in the emergency plans those positions within the disaster organization, in addition to his own, for which lines of succession are necessary. In each instance, the responsible person will designate and keep on file with the Coordinator a current list of three persons as successors to his position. The list will be in order of succession and will nearly as possible designate persons best capable of carrying out all assigned duties and functions.
- Each agency director and department head assigned responsibility in the plans shall be responsible for carrying out all duties and functions assigned therein. Duties will include the organization and training of assigned employees and, where needed, volunteers. Each agency director or department head shall formulate the standing operating procedure to implement the plans for his service.
- Amendments to these plans shall be submitted to the Coordinator. If approved, the Coordinator will then submit the amendments to the Henderson County Board of Commissioners with his recommendation for their approval. Such amendments shall take effect on the date of approval, unless otherwise specified by the Board of Commissioners.
- When a required competency or skill for a disaster function is not available within government, the Coordinator is authorized to seek assistance from persons outside of government. The assignment of duties, when of a supervisory nature, shall also include the granting of authority for the persons so assigned to carry out such duties prior to, during and after the occurrence of a disaster. Such services from persons outside of government may be accepted on a volunteer basis. Such citizens shall be enrolled as emergency management volunteers.
76-7. Liability
- When a required competency or skill for a disaster function is not available within government, the Coordinator is authorized to seek assistance from persons outside of government. The assignment of duties, when of a supervisory nature, shall also include the granting of authority for the persons so assigned to carry out such duties prior to, during and after the occurrence of a disaster. Such services from persons outside of government may be accepted on a volunteer basis. Such citizens shall be enrolled as emergency management volunteers.
- Any person owning or controlling real estate or other premises who voluntarily and without compensation grants the County of Henderson the right to inspect, designate and use the whole or any part or parts of such real estate or premises for the purpose of sheltering persons during an actual, impending or practice disaster situation shall not be civilly liable for the death of, or injury to, any persons on or about such real estate or premises under such license, privilege or other permission or for loss of or damage to the property of such person.
76-8. Violations and Penalties
Misdemeanor. The violation of any provision of this Chapter shall be a misdemeanor and any person convicted of such violation shall be punishable as a misdemeanor as provided in N.C. Gen. Stat. §14-4.
76-9. Conflicting Ordinances, Rules and Regulations.
At all times when the orders, rules and regulations made and promulgated pursuant to this article shall be in effect, they shall supersede all existing local ordinances, local orders, local rules and local regulations insofar as the latter may be inconsistent therewith.
76-10. Proclamation by County Manager.
- A state of emergency shall be deemed to exist whenever, during times of public crisis, disaster, rioting, catastrophe or similar public emergency, for any reason, public safety authorities are unable to maintain public order or afford adequate protection for lives, safety or property or whenever the occurrence of any such condition is imminent.
- In the event of an existing or threatened state of emergency endangering the lives, safety, health and welfare of the people within Henderson County or any part thereof or threatening damage to or destruction of property, the Henderson County Manager is hereby authorized and empowered, under N.C.G.S. 166A-19.31, to issue a public proclamation declaring to all persons the existence of such a state of emergency and, in order to more effectively protect the lives and property of people within the County, to place in effect any or all of the restrictions hereinafter authorized.
- The Henderson County Manager is hereby authorized and empowered to limit by the proclamation the application of all or any part of such restrictions to any area specifically designated or described within the County and to specific hours of the day or night and to exempt from all or any part of such restrictions, while acting in the line of and within the scope of their respective duties, law enforcement officers, firemen and other public employees; rescue squad members, doctors, nurses and employees of hospitals and other medical facilities; on-duty military personnel, whether state or federal; on-duty employees of public utilities, public transportation companies and newspaper, magazine, radio broadcasting and television broadcasting corporations operated for profit; and such other classes of persons as may be essential to the preservation of public order and immediately necessary to serve the safety, health and welfare needs of people within the County.
- This article shall apply to any municipality upon specific request of the governing body of the municipality and consent of the Henderson County Board of Commissioners through an interlocal agreement pursuant to N.C.G.S. Chapter 160A, Article 20. In such event, the Henderson County Manager, the Emergency Management Coordinator, the Chairperson of the Henderson County Board of Commissioners, or such other person as may be designated by the Board of Commissioners, shall have the same powers and duties with respect to the municipality as he/she does for the County.
76-11. Restrictions Imposed; Notice Of Proclamation.
- The Henderson County Manager, by proclamation, may impose the prohibitions and restrictions specified in § 76-12 through 76-17 of this article in the manner described in those sections. The Henderson County Manager may impose as many of those specified prohibitions and restrictions as he finds are necessary, because of an emergency, to maintain an acceptable level of public order and services and to protect lives, safety and property. The Henderson County Manager shall recite his findings in the proclamation.
- The proclamation shall be in writing. The Henderson County Manager shall take reasonable steps to give notice of the terms of the proclamation to those affected by it and shall post a copy of it in the County Courthouse. The Henderson County Manager shall send reports of the substance of the proclamation to the mass communications media which serve the affected area and officials of municipalities located within the County. The Henderson County Manager shall retain a text of the proclamation and furnish upon request certified copies of it. See Attachment 1.
76-12. Evacuation
The Henderson County Manager may direct and compel the evacuation of all or part of the population of the County of Henderson to prescribed routes, modes of transportation and destination in connection with evacuation and control ingress and egress to a disaster area, the movement of persons within the area and the occupancy of premises therein. Details of the evacuation may be set forth or amended in a subsequent proclamation which shall be well publicized.
76-13. Curfew.
- The proclamation may impose a curfew prohibiting in certain areas and during certain periods the appearance in public of anyone who is not a member of an exempted class. The proclamation shall specify the geographical area or areas and the period during each twenty-four-hour day to which the curfew applies. The Henderson County Manager may exempt from some or all of the curfew restrictions classes of people whose exemption the Henderson County Manager finds necessary for the preservation of the public health, safety and welfare. The proclamation shall state the exempted classes and the restrictions from which each is exempted.
- Unless otherwise specified in the proclamation, the curfew shall apply during the specified period each day until the Henderson County Manager by proclamation removes the curfew.
76-14. Alcoholic Beverages
The proclamation may prohibit the possession or consumption of any alcoholic beverage, including beer, wine and spirituous liquor, other than on one's own premises and may prohibit the transfer, transportation, sale or purchases of any alcoholic beverage within the area of the County described in the proclamation. The prohibition, if imposed, may apply to transfers of alcoholic beverages by employees of alcoholic beverage control stores as well as by anyone else within the geographical area described.
76-15. Dangerous Weapons and Substances.
- The proclamation may prohibit the transportation or possession off one's own premises or the sale or purchase of any dangerous weapon or substance. The Henderson County Manager may exempt from some or all of the restrictions classes of people whose possession, transfer or transportation of certain dangerous weapons or substances is necessary to the preservation of the public's health, safety or welfare. The proclamation shall state the exempted classes and the restrictions from which each is exempted.
- "Dangerous weapon or substance" means:
- Any deadly weapon, ammunition, explosive, incendiary device, radioactive material or device as defined in N.C.G.S. 14-288.1, gasoline or other instrument or substance designed for a use that carries a threat of serious bodily injury or destruction of property.
- Any other instrument or substance that is capable of being used to inflict serious bodily injury or destruction of property when the circumstances indicate that there is some probability that such instrument or substance will be so used.
- Any part or ingredient in any instrument or substance included above when the circumstances indicate a probability that such a part or ingredient will be so used.
- If imposed, the restrictions shall apply throughout the jurisdiction of the County or such part thereof as designated in the proclamation.
- A violation of this section shall be punishable as provided in N.C.G.S. 166A-19.31.
76-16. Restricted Areas.
- The proclamation may prohibit obtaining access or attempting to obtain access to any area designated in the manner described in this section in violation of any order, clearly posted notice or barricade indicating that access is denied or restricted.
- Areas to which access is denied or restricted shall be designated by the Sheriff and his subordinates or other law enforcement officer when directed in the proclamation to do so by the Henderson County Manager. When acting under this authority, the Sheriff and his subordinates may restrict or deny access to any area, street, highway or location within the County if that restriction or denial of access or use is reasonably necessary to promote efforts being made to overcome the emergency or to prevent further aggravation of the emergency.
76-17. Additional Restrictions.
The proclamation may prohibit or restrict:
- Movements of people in public places;
- The operation of offices, business establishments and other places to or from which people may travel or at which they may congregate; and
- Other activities or conditions the control of which may be reasonably necessary to maintain order and protect lives or property during the state of emergency, within the area designated in the proclamation.
76-18. Removal of Restrictions.
The Henderson County Manager shall by proclamation terminate the entire declaration of emergency or remove any of the prohibitions and restrictions when the emergency no longer requires them or when directed to do so by the Board of Commissioners.
76-19. Superseding and Amendatory Proclamations.
The Henderson County Manager, in his/her discretion, may invoke the restrictions authorized by this article in separate proclamations and may amend any proclamation by means of a superseding proclamation in accordance with the procedures set forth in §76-11.
76-20. Termination of Proclamation.
Any proclamation issued under this article shall expire five days after its last imposition, unless sooner terminated, in writing, under the same procedures set forth in §76-11 for proclamations. See Attachment 2.
76-21. Absence of County Manager.
- In case of the absence or disability of the Henderson County Manager, the Henderson County Emergency Management Coordinator or such other person as may be designated by the Board of Commissioners shall have and exercise all of the powers which have been herein given to the Henderson County Manager.
- In the case of the absence or disability of both the Henderson County Manager and the Henderson County Emergency Management Coordinator, the Chairperson of the Henderson County Board of Commissioners or such other person as may be designated by the Board of Commissioners shall have and exercise all of the powers which have been given herein to the Henderson County Manager.
76-22. Violations and Penalties.
Misdemeanor. The violation of any provision of this Chapter shall be a misdemeanor and any person convicted of such violation shall be punishable as a misdemeanor as provided in N.C. Gen. Stat. §14-4.
Attachment 1 - Proclamation of Henderson County State of Emergency
- Section 1. Pursuant to County Code of Ordinances Chapter 76 and Chapter 166A of the North Carolina General Statutes and Chapter 14 of the North Carolina General Statutes, Article 36A, I have determined that a state of emergency as defined in County Code of Ordinance Chapter 76 exists in the County of Henderson, North Carolina based on the following findings
- Section 2. I, therefore, proclaim the existence of a state of emergency in the County of Henderson, North Carolina.
- Section 3. I hereby order all county law enforcement officers and employees and all other emergency management personnel subject to my control to cooperate in the enforcement and implementation of the provisions of the county emergency ordinances which are set forth below.
- Section 4. Evacuation. I have determined that, in the best interest of public safety and protection, it is necessary to evacuate the civilian population from the County of Henderson. Citizens are free to use any type of transportation, but they are to use only ____________________ in leaving the county. Evacuation is to occur as soon as possible. Further proclamation concerning evacuation will be issued as needed.
- Section 5. Curfew. Unless a member of the county's law enforcement agency or the emergency management program, every person who is located within a _______________ radius of _______________ is to be inside a house dwelling from the hours of __________ to __________.
- Section 6. No alcoholic beverages. There shall be no sale, consumption, transportation or possession of alcoholic beverages during the state of emergency in the County of Henderson, North Carolina, except possession or consumption is allowed on a person's own premises.
- Section 7. No firearms, ammunition or explosives. During the state of emergency, there shall be no sale or purchase of any type of firearm or ammunition or any possession of such items, along with any type of explosive, off the owner's own premises.
- Section 8. Execution of emergency plan. All civilians and emergency management personnel are ordered to comply with the emergency reaction plan.
- Section 9. This proclamation shall become effective immediately.
Proclaimed this the __________ day of ____________________, 201_ at __ (a.m. /p.m.)
Henderson County Manager
NOTE: The State of Emergency Proclamation should clearly state who, what, where and why any restrictions are implemented. (E.g. The curfew is intended to reduce unnecessary traffic and prevent accidents after 6:00 p.m. The curfew will not affect business operations or persons commuting to and from work etc.)
NOTE: When implementing restrictions law enforcement agencies should be consulted regarding enforcement activities.
Attachment 2 - Proclamation Terminating a County State of Emergency
- Section 1. On ____________________, 201__ at _____ (a.m./p.m.), I determined and proclaimed a local state of emergency for the County of Henderson, North Carolina.
- Section 2. On ____________________, 201__ at ______ (a.m./p.m.), I ordered the evacuation of all civilians from the area, imposed a curfew, prohibited alcoholic beverages, firearms, ammunition and explosives and ordered the execution of the emergency reaction plan.
- Section 3. I have determined that a state of emergency no longer exists in the County of Henderson.
- Section 4. I thereby terminate the proclamation of a local state of emergency and all of the restrictions and orders therein.
- Section 5. This proclamation is effective immediately.
Proclaimed this the __________ day of ____________________, 201_ at __ (a.m. /p.m.)
Henderson County Manager
The following terms are defined for purposes of this Chapter:
- Ambulance - Any privately or publicly owned motor vehicle, aircraft or vessel that is specially designed, constructed or modified and equipped and is intended to be used for and is maintained or operated for the transportation on the streets or highways, waterways or airways of this County of persons who are sick, injured, wounded or otherwise incapacitated or helpless and that is permitted by the Department of Human Resources, Division of Facility Services, Office of Emergency Medical Services, and any vehicle meeting the definition of an "EMS nontransporting vehicle" under Title 10A of the North Carolina Administrative Code (currently found in 10A NCAC 13P.0109), as it may be amended from time to time.
- Ambulance Provider License - The legal authorization issued by NCOEMS for a person, firm, corporation or association to operate an ambulance service within a specified geographical service area which includes the areas of Henderson County that a franchisee is authorized to serve under the terms of the franchise.
- Ambulance Service - A public or privately owned enterprise that is engaged in the transportation of patients to emergency and/or nonemergency medical facilities.
- Approved - Approved by the North Carolina Medical Care Commission pursuant to the latter's rules and regulations promulgated under N.C.G.S. 143B-165.
- Backup Ambulance Service - The system of personnel and equipment meeting the same criteria as ambulance service but not normally dispatched at first-call response.
- County - The County of Henderson Board of Commissioners or designated representative.
- Dispatcher - A person who is available at all times to receive requests for emergency services, to dispatch emergency services and to advise the city police, County Sheriff and emergency medical facilities of any existing or threatened emergencies.
- Emergency And Emergency Transportation Service - The operation of an ambulance in order to provide medical care and transportation of a patient who is in need of immediate medical treatment in order to prevent loss of life or further aggravation of physiological or psychological illness or injury.
- Emergency Medical Technician - An individual who has completed a training program in emergency medical care at least equal to the National Standard Training Program for emergency medical technicians as defined by the United States Department of Transportation and has been certified as an emergency medical technician by NCOEMS.
- First Responder - The first dispatched medical or rescue aid to arrive at the scene and provide emergency medical assistance to stabilize the patient while waiting for further medical aid and/or transport.
- Franchise - A permit issued by the County to a person for the operation of an ambulance service.
- Franchisee - Any person having been issued a franchise by the County for the operation of an ambulance service.
- License - Any driver's license or permit to operate a motor vehicle issued under or granted by the laws of the State of North Carolina.
- Medical Responder- An individual who has completed a training program in emergency medical care and first aid approved by the North Carolina Office of Emergency Medical Services (NCOEMS) and has been certified as a Medical Responder NCOEMS.
- Nonemergency Transportation Services - The operation of an ambulance for any purpose other than an emergency.
- Operator - A person in actual physical control of an ambulance which is in motion or which has the engine running.
- Owner - Any person or entity who or which owns and operates an ambulance service.
- Patient - An individual who is sick, injured, wounded or otherwise incapacitated or helpless such that the need for some medical assistance might be anticipated.
- Person - Any individual, firm, partnership, association, corporation, company, group of individuals acting together for a common purpose or organization of any kind, including any governmental agency other than the United States.
- Rescue - Situations where the victim cannot escape an area through the normal exit or under their own power.
- No person, either as owner, agent or otherwise, shall furnish, operate, conduct, maintain, advertise or otherwise be engaged in or profess to be engaged in the business or service of emergency and/or nonemergency transportation of patients within the County of Henderson unless the person holds a valid permit for each ambulance used in such business or service issued by the Office of Emergency Medical Services of the North Carolina Department of Human Resources and an ambulance provider license and has been granted a franchise for the operation of such business or service by the County pursuant to this Chapter.
- No person shall operate an ambulance or drive, attend or permit a vehicle to be operated for ambulance purposes within the County of Henderson unless he or she holds a currently valid certificate as an ambulance attendant or emergency medical technician issued by the State of North Carolina, except pursuant to a mutual aid agreement entered into between Henderson County and an agency or entity licensed under standards comparable to those employed in this Chapter.
- No franchise shall be required for:
- Any entity rendering assistance at the request of Henderson County in the case of a major catastrophe or other emergency situation for which the services of Henderson County are insufficient or unable to cope.
- Any entity operated from a location or headquarters outside of Henderson County in order to transport patients who are picked up beyond the limits of Henderson County, but no such entity shall be used to pick up patients within the County of Henderson for transporting to locations within the County of Henderson unless it is rendering assistance as referred to in Subsection C (1).
- Law enforcement personnel.
- County-owned and -operated ambulances.
- Hospital transportation services for the purpose of patient transfer in which the service is exclusively owned and operated by one of the hospitals involved.
- Medical air ambulances which are properly licensed to provide emergency medical transportation services.
Application for a franchise to operate ambulances in the County of Henderson shall be made upon such forms as may be prepared or prescribed by the County and shall contain:
- The name and address of the applicant and of the owner of the ambulance.
- The trade or other fictitious names, if any, under which the applicant does business along with a certified copy of an assumed name certificate stating such name or articles of incorporation stating such name.
- A transcript of the training and experience of the applicant in the transportation and care of patients including references from every location in which the applicant has been franchised for the past 15 years, if any.
- A description and copy of state certification for each ambulance owned and operated by the applicant.
- A description and copy of the ambulance provider license issued by NCOEMS.
- The location and description of the place from which it is intended to operate.
- An audited financial statement of the applicant as the same pertains to the operations in the County of Henderson, said financial statement to be in such form and in such detail as may be required by the County.
- A description of the applicant's capability to provide 24 hour coverage, 7 days per week, for the district covered by the franchise applied for and an accurate estimate of the minimum and maximum time for a response call within such districts demonstrating that minimum and maximum response times within the district covered by the franchise applied for would meet the requirements for the level of service for which application is made.
- A description of:
- Proposed service area
- Arrangements for medical direction and oversight.
- Agency medical certification level for NCOEMS.
- Compliance plan for EMS system continuing education training requirements.
- Any information the County shall deem reasonably necessary for a fair determination of the capability of the applicant to provide ambulance service in the County of Henderson in accordance with the requirements of state laws and the provisions of this regulation.
- The County reserves the right to deny any application if the Board of Commissioners finds the grant of such application is contrary to the interest of the citizens of the County.
- Prior to accepting applications from applicants for the operation of an ambulance service, the Board of Commissioners may designate specific service areas as franchise districts. Said districts will be established on criteria that include geographic size, road access, and the location of existing medical transportation services, population and response time. The Board of Commissioners shall have the authority to redistrict or rearrange existing districts at any time at its discretion.
- An applicant may apply for a franchise to operate a nonemergency transportation service. Emergency transportation services will be provided pursuant to Section 77-2, Subsection C (1) of this Chapter.
- Upon receipt of an application for a franchise, the County may schedule a time and place for hearing the applicant. Within 90 days after the hearing, the County shall cause such investigation as it may deem necessary to be made of the applicant and his proposed operations.
- A franchise may be granted if the County finds that:
- The public convenience and necessity require the proposed ambulance service and the franchise will benefit the County.
- Each such ambulance of the applicant, his required equipment and the premises designated in the application has been certified by the County and the State of North Carolina.
- Only duly licensed ambulance attendants and emergency medical technicians are employed in such capacities.
- The franchise will provide services and equipment the County does not or cannot provide and will not adversely affect current operations financially or otherwise.
- The County may issue a franchise hereunder to an owner of an ambulance service, to be valid for a term to be determined by the County, provided that either, as its option, may terminate the franchise upon 60 days' prior written notice to the other party. After a notice of service termination is given, the ambulance service shall reapply for a franchise if continued service is desired.
- If any franchisee shall violate or fail to comply with any provision of this Chapter or a franchise issued hereunder, said franchisee shall be cited by the County for said violation or failure to comply. The County, after a hearing pursuant to the citation, may impose a civil penalty as provided in § 77-13 hereinafter or may suspend or revoke the franchise. If, upon such hearing, the County shall find that the franchisee has corrected any deficiencies and has brought the operation into compliance with the provisions of this Chapter, the franchise may not be suspended, revoked, or a civil penalty as provided in § 77-13 hereinafter may be imposed.
- Upon suspension, revocation or termination of a franchise granted hereunder, such franchised ambulance service immediately shall cease operations. Upon suspension, revocation or termination of a driver's license or medical responders certificate or emergency medical technician certificate, such person shall cease to drive an ambulance or provide medical care in conjunction with an ambulance service or attend an ambulance, and no person shall employ or permit such individual to drive an ambulance or provide medical care in conjunction with an ambulance service.
- Each franchised ambulance service shall comply at all times with the requirements of this Chapter, the franchise granted hereunder and all applicable state and local laws relating to health, sanitation, safety, equipment and ambulance design and all other laws and ordinances. Each franchised ambulance service shall also comply at all times with the then-current Henderson County Emergency Services program. Each franchised ambulance service shall be provided with a copy of this program and all its requirements at the time of the grant of its franchise, and shall be provided with copies of all amendments to the program.
- Prior approval of the County shall be required where ownership or control of more than 10% of the right of control of the franchisee is acquired by a person or group of persons acting in concert, none of whom own or control 10% or more of such right of control, singularly or collectively, at the date of the franchise. By its acceptance of the franchise, the franchisee specifically agrees that any such acquisition occurring without prior approval of the County shall constitute a violation of the franchise by the franchisee and shall be cause for termination at the option of the County.
- Any change of ownership of a franchised ambulance service without the approval of the County shall terminate the franchise and shall require a new application and a new franchise and conformance with all the requirements of this chapter as upon original franchising.
- No franchise may be sold, assigned, mortgaged or otherwise transferred without the approval of the County and a finding of conformance with all requirements of this chapter as upon original franchising. Each franchised ambulance service, its equipment and the premises designated in the application, and all records relating to its maintenance and operation, as such, shall be open to inspection by the state, the County or their designated representatives.
- No official entry made upon a franchise may be defeated, removed or obliterated.
Standards for drivers and attendants as developed by the North Carolina Medical Care Commission as requirements for certification of medical responders and emergency medical technicians pursuant to N.C.G. S. Chapter 131E, Article 7, and N.C.G.S. Chapter 143, Article 56, shall be applied, and the same are incorporated herein by reference.
Vehicle and equipment standards as developed by the North Carolina Medical Care Commission pursuant to N.C.G. S. Chapter 131E, Article 7, and N.C.G.S. Chapter 143, Article 56, shall be applied, and the same are incorporated herein by reference.
- Each ambulance must be equipped with a two-way VHF radio licensed by the Federal Communications Commission which must be in operative condition at all times.
- Each ambulance service shall provide the County a copy of the Federal Communications Commission license authorizing the use of the communication equipment owned and operated by that service.
- Each base of operations must have at least one open telephone line. Telephone numbers must be registered with each law enforcement agency and communications center in the County of Henderson.
No ambulance franchise shall be issued under this Chapter, nor shall such franchise be valid after issuance, nor shall any ambulance be operated in the County of Henderson, unless there is at all times in force and effect insurance coverage, issued by an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of North Carolina, for each and every ambulance owned and/or operated by or for the ambulance service providing the payment of damages:
- In the sum of no less than $1,000,000 for injury to or death of individuals in accidents resulting from any cause for which the owner of said vehicle would be liable on account of liability imposed on him by law, regardless of whether the ambulance was being driven by the owner or his agent; and
- In the sum of $1,000,000 for the loss of or damage to the property of another, including personal property, under like circumstances, in sums as may be required by the State of North Carolina or as approved by the County of Henderson.
Each franchisee shall maintain the following records:
- Record of dispatch, which shall show the time the call, was received, the time the ambulance dispatched, the time arrived on the scene, the time arrived at destination, the time in service and the time returned to base.
- Trip record, which shall state all information required in Subsection A, in addition to the patient's address and telephone number, condition of the patient, type of medical assistance administered before reaching the hospital, total trip miles, schedule of charges and the name of the attendant and the driver. The trip record shall be so designated as to provide the patient with a copy thereof containing all required information. A copy of the trip record may serve as a receipt for any charges made.
- Daily report log, which shall be maintained for the purpose of identifying more than 1 person transported in any 1 day.
- Daily driver and attendant checklist and inspection report, which shall list contents and description of operations for each vehicle, signed by the individual verifying vehicle operations and equipment.
- Monthly activities report, which shall be submitted as requested to the Henderson County Emergency Medical Services.
- The franchisee must keep on file with the Henderson County Office of Emergency Medical Services its current rate schedule for services provided in accordance with the franchise. The franchisee is expressly prohibited from charging any rate of service that exceeds the comparable rate of service charged by Henderson County without first obtaining specific approval from the Henderson County Board of Commissioners.
- No ambulance service shall attempt to collect rates on emergency calls until the patient has reached the point of destination, has received medical attention and is in a condition deemed by the physician fit to consult with the ambulance service, but such service may attempt to collect rates with the family or guardian of the patient once the patient is in the process of receiving medical attention.
- On nonemergency calls, or calls where a person requires transportation to a nonemergency facility, attempts to collect payment can be made before the ambulance begins its trip.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any provision of this chapter shall be subject to civil penalties of $50.00 for each violation, with each day of violation being treated as a separate violation.
The Henderson County Office of Emergency Medical Services shall be the enforcing agency for the regulations contained in this Chapter. Such office will:
- Receive all franchise proposals from potential providers.
- Study each proposal for conformance with this Chapter.
- Recommend to the Board of Commissioners whether or not to award the franchise to the applicant.
- Inspect the premises, vehicles, equipment and personnel of franchisees to assure compliance with this Chapter and perform any other inspections that may be required.
- Recommend the temporary or permanent suspension of a franchise in the event of noncompliance with the franchise terms of this Chapter.
- Recommend the imposition of misdemeanor or civil penalties.
- Ensure by cooperative agreement with other ambulance services the continued service in a district where an ambulance service franchise has been suspended.
- Bi-annually or as requested receive reports from ambulance services and consolidate the same into a summary for review by the Board of Commissioners upon request.
- Receive complaints from the public, other enforcing agencies and ambulance services regarding franchise infractions, review the complaint and recommend actions to the Board of Commissioners.
- Recommend improvements to the County which will ensure better medical transportation.
- Maintain all records required by this chapter and other applicable County regulations.
The provisions of this Chapter shall apply in both the incorporated and unincorporated areas within the geographic confines of the County of Henderson.
The County may inspect a franchisee's records, premises and equipment at any time in order to ensure compliance with this Chapter and any franchise granted hereunder.
The Board of Commissioners of the County of Henderson may, through appropriate actions, amend or expand this Chapter to include other emergency departments or agencies as deemed necessary.
78-1. Authority.
78-2. Title.
This article shall be known as the "Fire Prevention Ordinance of Henderson County, North Carolina," and may be cited as such and referred to herein as "this article."
78-3. Intent; Jurisdiction; Liability.
- It is the intent of this article to prescribe regulations consistent with nationally recognized good practice for the safeguarding of life and property within the unincorporated limits of Henderson County from the hazards of fire and explosion arising from the storage, handling and use of hazardous substances, materials and devices, and from hazardous conditions in the use or occupancy of buildings or premises.
- These regulations shall also be controlling within the corporate limits of any municipality within Henderson County upon request by resolution from the governing body of the municipality and upon approval of the Board of County Commissioners by resolution or contract.
- This article shall not be construed to hold the County responsible for any damage to persons or property by reason of the inspection or reinspection authorized herein or failure to inspect or reinspect or the permits issued or denied as herein provided or by reason of the approval or disapproval of any equipment authorized herein.
78-4. Enforcement Officials.
The Fire Prevention Ordinance of Henderson County and the North Carolina Fire Prevention Code shall be enforced by the Henderson County Fire Marshal, the Deputy Fire Marshal and Assistant Fire Marshals as certified by the North Carolina Code Officials Qualification Board or as otherwise provided herein by Henderson County policies.
78-5. Adoption of Technical Codes and Standards by Reference; Copies on File; Amendments.
- There is hereby adopted by reference and incorporated herein that certain code known as and entitled "North Carolina Fire Prevention Code." Copies of the Fire Prevention Ordinance of Henderson County and all technical codes and standards adopted by reference shall be filed with and available for public inspection in the offices of the Fire Marshal.
- Amendments to codes and standards adopted by reference herein which are adopted and published by the North Carolina State Building Code Council shall be effective in Henderson County at the time such amendments become a part of the North Carolina Fire Prevention Code.
78-6. Inspections.
Subject to the limitations and conditions stated in the North Carolina State Building Code, it shall be the duty of the Fire Marshal to inspect or to cause to be inspected on the schedule set by the Board of Commissioners, or more frequently as deemed necessary by the Fire Marshal pursuant to all relevant North Carolina codes all buildings, structures and premises within his jurisdiction for the purposes of ascertaining and causing to be corrected any condition which may cause fire or explosion or endanger life from fire or explosion or any violations of the provisions of this article. All fees assessed under this Article for inspections shall be paid in full to the County by the owner of the real property upon which the inspection takes place within thirty (30) days of inspection of the later to occur of the mailing of an invoice for the same to such owner or the hand delivery of such invoice to the person in apparent control of the premises inspected at the time of such inspection.
78-7. Permits
- Fire prevention permits.
- This article shall require permits from the Fire Marshal as set forth in Chapter 1 of the North Carolina Fire Prevention Code. Such required permits include, but are not limited to, permits for open burning.
- It shall be the duty of the Fire Marshal, the Deputy Fire Marshal and Assistant Fire Marshals to evaluate applications and issue, if approved, all permits for those conditions as prescribed in Chapter 1 of the North Carolina Fire Prevention Code and this article.
- No person shall maintain, store or handle materials or conduct processes which produce conditions hazardous to life or property or install equipment used in connection with such activities without first obtaining a permit as required by the Fire Marshal and prescribed in the North Carolina Fire Prevention Code of the North Carolina State Building Code and this article. Before a permit may be issued, the Fire Marshal shall inspect and approve the receptacles, vehicles, buildings, structures, storage areas, devices, processes and conditions related to the permit.
- A permit may be revoked pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 1 of the North Carolina Fire Prevention Code. Any person may appeal said revocation to the Henderson County Board of Commissioners within 30 days.
- To provide for efficient, timely handling of duties set forth in N.C.G.S. 14-284, N.C.G.S. 14-410 and N.C.G.S. 14-413, and with greater convenience to the public, authority is granted to the Fire Marshal to act as the agent of the Board of Commissioners to approve/disapprove the issuance of permits and licenses for the storage of explosives and the exhibition of pyrotechnics at public celebrations.
- Each mandatory permit or permit required by Chapter 1 of the North Carolina Fire Prevention Code shall be assessed a fee of $50. Operational permits shall require annual renewal, and such renewal is subject to the permit fee of $50.
- Other permits. This article shall not exempt a person who has obtained a permit pursuant to this article from any other permits required by other state, federal and local laws.
78-8. Service of Orders or Notices.
- The service of orders or notices for the correction of violations of this article shall be made upon the owner, occupant or other person responsible for the conditions, either by personally delivering a copy of the same to such person or by delivering the same to and leaving it with any person in charge of the premises or by sending a copy of the order or notice by certified or registered mail to the owner's last known address.
- When buildings or other premises are occupied by one other than the owner under a lease or other agreement, the orders or notices issued to correct violations of this article arising out of operations conducted on the premises shall apply to the occupant thereof, provided that, where the order or notices require making of additions to or changes in the premises themselves which may become part of the real property of the owner, then in such cases, the orders or notices shall also be issued to the owner of the premises or real property. Failure to deliver an order or notice to the owner, if other than the occupant, shall not invalidate any order or notice duly served on the occupant.
78-9. Enforcement.
This article and the North Carolina Fire Prevention Code may be enforced by any methods authorized by N.C.G.S. 153A-123. Such methods shall be carried out in accordance with the procedures outlined in Henderson County Code, Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article II. See also Article II, Violations and Penalties, of this Chapter 78, which includes the applicable penalty schedule.
78-10. Removal of Vehicles.
Any vehicle found obstructing any fire hydrant, fire protection equipment, designated and marked fire lane or fire station may be removed or towed away by or under the direction of the Fire Marshal to a storage area or private garage. The owner of such vehicle shall be deemed to have appointed the Fire Marshal as his agent for the purpose of arranging for the transportation and safe storage of the vehicle. The owner of such vehicle, before obtaining possession thereof, shall pay all reasonable costs incidental to the removal and storage of the vehicle due for the violation of prohibited parking.
78-11. Emergency Entry.
- The Fire Marshal or his authorized representatives shall have the right to enter any building or premises without permission or warrant in the event of any emergency situation constituting an immediate threat to human life, property or the public safety for the purpose of eliminating, controlling or abating the dangerous condition or situation.
- If entry or access is denied so as to limit the authorized duties of this article, the Fire Marshal or his authorized representatives shall seek and obtain an administrative search warrant pursuant to N.C.G.S. 15-27.2.
78-12. Investigations of Fires.
- Each Fire Chief shall be responsible for determining the origin, cause and circumstances of every fire occurring within his/her fire district. The Fire Marshal shall investigate, or cause to be investigated, the origin, cause and circumstances of a fire in the County when: the fire involves injury or loss of life to any person; incendiarism is suspected; the Fire Department having jurisdiction over the fire requests such investigation; or circumstances warrant an investigation. Each investigation shall begin as soon after the occurrence of the fire as practical. Any information obtained pursuant to any such investigation shall be confidential as authorized by N.C.G.S. Chapter 58, Article 79.
- The Sheriff's Department, upon request of the Fire Marshal or his authorized representatives, may render such assistance as necessary in the investigation of any fire. The law enforcement agency having jurisdiction shall be promptly advised of incidents where incendiarism or other illegal activities are discovered.
78-13. Records.
Each Fire Department shall compile records of fire alarms and other responses and forward these records to the Fire Marshal. The Fire Marshal's office shall maintain these records and forward them to the North Carolina Fire Commission as prescribed in N.C.G.S. Chapter 58, Article 79. All such records shall be considered public records.
78-14. Fire Hazards.
No person shall knowingly maintain a fire hazard.
78-15. Prohibited Acts.
Violations of this Article I shall be prohibited. In addition, but not by way of limitation, no person shall deliberately, or through carelessness or negligence, set fire to or cause the burning of any material in such a manner as to endanger the safety of any person or property or violate a burning ban imposed by the Fire Marshal.
78-16. Conflict with Other Laws
Nothing in this article shall be construed to conflict with N.C. G. S. Chapter 95, Article 18, as enacted and as may be amended from time to time.
78-16.1. Burning Bans.
The Fire Marshal has the authority to impose a burning ban on any and all
property within the jurisdiction of this chapter in order to protect such property and persons from the
devastating effects of fire during adverse conditions. A burning ban imposed by the Fire Marshal shall be
immediately effective without notice to the public and supersedes any permits that had been issued prior to
the imposition of the burning ban; however, the Fire Marshal shall make reasonable efforts to communicate
the imposition of the burning ban to the citizens and properties affected.
78-17. Penalty Schedule.
The following civil penalties are hereby approved, adopted and imposed for each violation of Article I of this Chapter and/or the referenced chapters of the North Carolina Fire Prevention Code.
- Violations not covered by the North Carolina Fire Prevention Code: as set forth in Henderson County Code, Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article II.
- Violations covered by the North Carolina Fire Prevention Code:
Chapter | Dollar Amount | |
1. | Administration | $50 |
(See also Subsection C below) | ||
3. | General Precautions | $50 |
4. | Emergency Planning and Preparedness | $50 |
5. | Fire Service Features | $50 |
6. | Building Services and Systems | $50 |
7. | Fire Resistance-Rated Construction | $50 |
8. | Interior Finish, Decorative Mat. & Furn. | $50 |
9. | Fire Protection Systems | $50 |
10. | Means of Egress | $150 |
11. | Aviation Facilities | $50 |
12. | Drycleaning | $50 |
13. | Combustible Dust-Producing Operations | $50 |
14. | Fire Safety during Const. and Demo. | $50 |
15. | Flammable Finishes | $50 |
16. | Fruit and Crop Ripening | $50 |
17. | Fumigation & Thermal Insecticide Fogging | $50 |
18. | Semiconductor Fabrication Facilities | $50 |
19. | Lumberyards & Woodworking Facilities | $50 |
20. | Manufacturing of Organic Coatings | $50 |
21. | Industrial Ovens | $50 |
22. | Service Stations & Repair Garages | $50 |
23. | Hi-Piled Combustible Storage | $50 |
24. | Tents & Other Membrane Structures | $50 |
25. | Tire Rebuilding & Tire Storage | $50 |
26. | Welding & Other Hot Work | $50 |
27. | Haz-Mat General Provisions | $50 |
28. | Aerosols | $50 |
29. | Combustible Fibers | $50 |
30. | Compressed Gases | $50 |
31. | Corrosive Materials | $50 |
32. | Cryogenic Fluids | $50 |
33. | Explosives and Fireworks | $50 |
34. | Flammable and Combustible Liquids | $50 |
35. | Flammable Gases | $50 |
36. | Flammable Solids | $50 |
37. | Highly Toxic & Toxic Materials | $50 |
38. | Liquefied Petroleum Gases | $50 |
39. | Organic Peroxides | $50 |
40. | Oxidizers | $50 |
41. | Pyrophoric Materials | $50 |
42. | Pyroxylin (Cellulose Nitrate) Plastics | $50 |
43. | Unstable (Reactive) Materials | $50 |
44. | Water-Reactive Solids & Liquids | $50 |
- In addition to any applicable penalty, for violations that involve the failure to obtain or maintain a permit required by Article I of this Chapter or by the North Carolina Fire Prevention Code, where appropriate, the violator must obtain or renew such required permit and pay the associated permit fee.
78-18. Through 78- 40. (Reserved).
Part 1 - (Reserved)
Part 2 - Provision of Water Services
This Chapter shall be known as the "Henderson County Public Safety Telephone Ordinance."
The Board of Commissioners of Henderson County, North Carolina, declares it to be in the public interest to provide a toll-free number through which an individual in this County can gain rapid, direct access to public safety aid. The number shall be provided with the objective of reducing response time to situations requiring law enforcement, fire, medical, rescue or other public safety service.
The following terms are defined for purposes of this Chapter:
- 911 Charge - A charge imposed by Henderson County on each exchange access facility to pay for the 911 service start-up, equipment costs, subscriber notification costs, addressing costs, billing costs and nonrecurring and recurring installation, maintenance, service and network charges of a service supplier providing 911 service pursuant to this Chapter and all other payments authorized by § 79-8 of this Chapter.
- 911 System Or 911 Service - An emergency telephone system that provides the user of the public telephone system with the ability to reach a public safety answering point by dialing the digits 911. The term "911 system" or "911 service" also includes enhanced 911 service, which means an emergency telephone system that provides the user of the public telephone system with 911 service and, in addition, directs 911 calls to appropriate public safety answering points by selective routing, based on the geographical location from which the call originated, and provides the capability for automatic number identification and automatic location identification features.
- Addressing - The assigning of a numerical address and street name (the street name may be numerical) to each location within Henderson County's geographical area necessary to provide public safety service as determined by Henderson County. This address replaces any route and box number currently in place in the 911 database and facilitates quicker response by public safety agencies.
- County - The County of Henderson, North Carolina.
- Exchange Access Facility - The access from a particular telephone subscriber's premises to the telephone system of a service supplier. Exchange access facilities include access lines, PBX trunks and Centrex network access registers provided by the service supplier, all as defined by tariffs of telephone companies as approved by the North Carolina Utilities Commission. Exchange access facilities do not include telephone pay station lines owned and operated by the service supplier or Wide Area Telecommunications Service (WATS), Foreign Exchange (FX) or incoming-only lines.
- Public Agency - The state and any city, county, municipal corporation, chartered organization, public district or public authority located in whole or in part within the state which provides or has authority to provide fire-fighting, law enforcement, ambulance, medical or other emergency services.
- Public Safety Agency - A functional division of a public agency which provides fire- fighting, law enforcement, medical, suicide prevention, civil defense, poison control or other emergency services.
- Service Supplier - A person or entity who or which provides exchange telephone service to a telephone subscriber.
- Telephone Subscriber or Subscriber - A person or entity to whom or to which exchange telephone service, either residential or commercial, is provided and in return for which the person or entity is billed on a monthly basis. When the same person, business or organization has several telephone access lines, each exchange access facility shall constitute a separate subscription.
The County hereby imposes a monthly 911 charge upon each exchange access facility subscribed to by telephone subscribers whose exchange access lines are in the area served or which would be served by the 911 service in the amount of $0.55. The 911 charge shall be uniform and may not vary according to the type of exchange access facility used. The imposition and collection of the monthly 911 charge as provided in this subsection shall become effective on November 10, 1998.
- The subscriber of one or more exchange access facilities will be billed for the monthly 911 charges imposed for each exchange access facility. Each service supplier shall, on behalf of the County, collect the charges from those subscribers to whom it provides exchange telephone service in the area served by the 911 service. As part of its normal monthly billing process, the service supplier shall collect the charges for each month or part of the month an exchange access facility is in service, and it may list the charge as a separate entry on each bill. If a service supplier receives a partial payment for a monthly bill from a subscriber, the service supplier shall apply the payment against the amount the subscriber owes the service supplier first.
- A service supplier has no obligation to take any legal action to enforce the collection of the 911 charges for which any subscriber is billed. However, the County may initiate collection action of the 911 charges for which any subscriber is billed and shall further be entitled to collect all reasonable costs associated with the collection action, including attorneys' fees. The Henderson County Finance Director is hereby authorized to pursue all legal and equitable remedies for the collection of all 911 charges not paid.
- Where the County subscribes to 911 services, the County shall remain ultimately responsible to the service supplier for all 911 installations, service, equipment, operation and maintenance charges owed to the service supplier. The service supplier shall provide the County with a list of amounts uncollected along with the names and addresses of telephone subscribers who have not paid the 911 charge on a quarterly basis.
- Where the County subscribes to 911 services, any taxes due on 911 services provided by the service supplier will be billed to the County subscribing to that service. However, state and local taxes do not apply to 911 charges billed to subscribers under this Chapter.
Each service supplier that collects the 911 charges on behalf of the County is entitled to a 1 percent administrative fee as compensation for collecting the charges. The service supplier shall remit the rest of the charges it collects during the month to the Henderson County Finance Director within 10 days after the last day of the month.
The financial officer of the County to whom 911 charges are remitted under §79-6 shall deposit the charges in a separate, restricted fund. The fund shall be known as the "Emergency Telephone System Fund." The Henderson County Finance Director may invest money in the fund in the same manner that other money of the County may be invested. The Finance Director shall deposit any income earned from such an investment in the Emergency Telephone System Fund.
Chapter 91 - Repealed
- Money from the Emergency Telephone System Fund shall be used only to pay for:
- The lease, purchase or maintenance of emergency telephone equipment, including necessary computer hardware, software and database provisioning, addressing and nonrecurring costs of establishing a 911 system; and
- The rates associated with the service supplier's 911 service and other service supplier recurring charges.
- The following expenses are not eligible for payment from the fund: the lease or purchase of real estate; cosmetic remodeling of emergency dispatch centers; hiring, training and compensating dispatchers; and the purchase of mobile communications vehicles, ambulances, fire engines or other emergency vehicles.
- The County may contract with a service supplier for any term negotiated by the service supplier and the County and may make payments from the Emergency Telephone System Fund to provide any payments required by the contract.
- By virtue of the authority granted by N.C.G.S. 162A-87.1, the boundaries of the Cane Creek Water and Sewer District are hereby extended to include the properties located with the boundary described below and all such properties are hereby annexed and made a part of the Cane Creek Water and Sewer District as of July 1, 2002: Beginning at a point located at the intersection of the southern margin of Banner Farm Road (SR 1331) and the eastern margin of Ladson Road (SR 1314), said beginning point also being the southernmost point in the existing Cane Creek Water and Sewer District boundary; thence, along and with the southeastern boundary of the existing Cane Creek Water and Sewer District and following the eastern margin of Ladson Road (SR 1314) in a northeasterly direction approximately 5,808 feet to the intersection of the eastern margin of Ladson Road (SR 1314) and the center line of Boylston Creek; thence, following the center line of the aforesaid creek in an easterly direction approximately 3,650 feet to the confluence of Boylston Creek and the French Broad River; thence, following the center line of the French Broad River in a northerly direction, approximately 400 feet to a point located at the intersection of the French Broad River and N.C. Highway 191; thence, continuing with the center line of the French Broad River in a northerly direction, approximately 17,100 feet to a point located at the intersection of the French Broad River and the center line of Butler Bridge Road (SR 1351); thence, following the center line of Butler Bridge Road (SR 1351) in an easterly direction, approximately 5,280 feet to the intersection of the center line of Butler Bridge Road (SR 1351) and the center line of I-26, thence southerly along and with the center line of Interstate Highway 26 approximately 3,200 feet to a point which is the intersection of the center lines of Interstate Highway 26 and U.S. Route 25, thence northerly along and with the center line of U.S. Route 25 approximately 800 feet to the intersection of the center lines of U.S. Route 25 and Old Hendersonville Road (SR 1536), thence easterly along and with the center lines of Old Hendersonville Road (SR 1536) approximately 1,400 feet to the intersection of the center lines of Old Hendersonville Road (SR 1536), sometimes referred to as Old Howard Gap Road, and the Southern Railway main track, thence northerly along and with the center line of the Southern Railway main track approximately 8,000 feet to a point where the Southern Railway track intersects with the center line of Cane Creek, thence easterly along and with the center line of Cane Creek approximately 1,400 feet to a point where the center line of Cane Creek intersects with the center line of Howard Gap Road (SR 1006), thence southerly along and with the center line of Howard Gap Road (SR 1006) approximately 1,000 feet to a point that is the intersection of center lines of Howard Gap Road (SR 1006) and Jackson Road (SR 1539), thence easterly along and with the center line of Jackson Road (SR 1539) approximately 11,000 feet to a point where the center line of Jackson Road (SR 1539) intersects with the center line of Hooper's Creek, thence easterly along and with the center line of Hooper's Creek approximately 3,000 feet to a point where the center line of Hooper's Creek intersects with the center line of Souther Livingston Road (SR 1552), also known as Livingston Road, thence northerly along and with the center line of Souther/Livingston Road (SR 1552) approximately 1,600 feet to a point where the center line of Souther/ Livingston Road (SR 1552) intersects with the center line of Jackson Road (SR 1539), thence northeasterly along and with the center line of Jackson Road (SR 1539) approximately 2,000 feet to the intersection of the center lines of Jackson Road (SR 1539) and Hooper's Creek Road (SR 1553) thence westerly along and with the center line of Hooper's Creek Road (SR 1553) approximately 3,000 feet to the intersection of the center lines of Hooper's Creek Road (SR 1553) and Burney Mountain Road (SR 1552), thence northwesterly along and with the center line of Burney Mountain Road (SR 1552) approximately 3,000 feet to the intersection of the center lines of Burney Mountain Road (SR 1552) and Mills Gap Road (SR 1551), thence northerly along and with the center line of Mills Gap Road (SR 1551) approximately 1,000 feet to the intersection of the center line of Mills Gap Road (SR 1551) with the Henderson County/Buncombe County line, thence from the intersection of Mills Gap Road (SR 1551) and the Buncombe & Henderson County Line and leaving the boundary of the existing Cane Creek Water and Sewer District, East along and with the Buncombe & Henderson County Line approximately 20,693 feet to the intersection of the Buncombe & Henderson County Line and Young's Gap Road (SR 1571), thence, leaving the Buncombe & Henderson County Line, South along and with the center line of Young's Gap Road (SR 1571) approximately 8,470 feet to the intersection of Young's Gap Road (SR 1571) and Lindsey Loop Road (SR 1553), thence along the center line of Lindsey Loop Road (SR 1553) approximately 2,579 feet to the intersection of Lindsey Loop Road (SR 1553) and Hooper's Creek Road (SR 1569), thence along and with the center line Hooper's Creek Road (SR 1569) approximately 3,529 feet to the intersection of Hooper's Creek Road (SR 1569) and Hooper's Creek Church Road (SR 1570), thence continuing South along and with the center line of Hooper's Creek Church Road (SR 1570) approximately 1,693 feet to the intersection of Hooper's Creek Church Road (SR 1570) and Terry's Gap Road (SR 1565), thence along and with Terry's Gap Road (SR 1565) Southeast approximately 7,092 feet to a point on a line between Hightop Mountain and Bearwallow Mountain, that same line being a point in the northwestern boundary of the Hendersonville Mud Creek Sewer District, thence along and with this northwestern boundary of the Hendersonville Mud Creek Sewer District the following 11 calls and distances: South 57 deg. 21 min. 35 sec. West 4,489.20 feet to a point on Hightop Mountain, thence South 12 deg. 34 min. 21 sec. West 11,957.81 feet to a point on Rocky Mountain, thence South 48 deg. 42 min. 17 sec. West 6,835.26 feet to a point on Bryson Mountain, thence South 37 deg. 49 min. 38 sec. West 9,733.11 feet to NCGS Grid Monument Berkley, thence North 67 deg. 31 sec. 57 min. West 4,074.39 feet to NCGS Grid Monument Stoney, thence South 36 deg. 04 min. 56 sec. West 5,104.83 feet to NCGS Grid Monument Roe, thence North 43 deg. 40 min. 11 sec. West 2,162.01 feet to NCGS Grid Monument Scott, thence North 16 deg. 28 min. 08 sec. West 2,055.96 feet to NCGS Grid Monument Sedge, thence South 73 deg. 49 min. 14 sec. West 4,950.99 feet to a point, thence South 1 deg. 18 min. 18 sec. West 7,787.27 feet to NCGS Grid Monument Turley, thence South 25 deg. 29 min. 17 sec. West, 100.80 feet to the intersection of Shaw Creek; thence leaving the northwestern boundary of the Hendersonville Mud Creek Sewer District along and with the center line of Shaw Creek to the intersection of Shaw Creek and U.S. Highway 64, thence along and with the center line of U.S. Highway 64 to the intersection of U.S. Highway 64 and Banner Farm Road (SR 1331), thence along and with the center line of Banner Farm Road (SR 1331) approximately 8,286 feet to the intersection of Banner Farm Road (SR 1331) and Ladson Road (SR 1314), and being the point and place of beginning.
- Upon and after July 1, 2002, the above described territory and its citizens and property shall be subject to all debts, laws, ordinances and regulations in force in the Cane Creek Water and Sewer District of Henderson County, North Carolina and shall be entitled to the same privileges and benefits as other parts of the Cane Creek Water and Sewer District of Henderson County, North Carolina.
- The Henderson County Utilities Director shall keep a map of the subject property on file at the Henderson County Utilities Department office, which is currently located at 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina, 28792.
- Money from the Emergency Telephone System Fund shall be used only to pay for:
- The lease, purchase or maintenance of emergency telephone equipment, including necessary computer hardware, software and database provisioning, addressing and nonrecurring costs of establishing a 911 system; and
- The rates associated with the service supplier's 911 service and other service supplier recurring charges.
- The following expenses are not eligible for payment from the fund: the lease or purchase of real estate; cosmetic remodeling of emergency dispatch centers; hiring, training and compensating dispatchers; and the purchase of mobile communications vehicles, ambulances, fire engines or other emergency vehicles.
- The County may contract with a service supplier for any term negotiated by the service supplier and the County and may make payments from the Emergency Telephone System Fund to provide any payments required by the contract.
- Money from the Emergency Telephone System Fund shall be used only to pay for:
- The lease, purchase or maintenance of emergency telephone equipment, including necessary computer hardware, software and database provisioning, addressing and nonrecurring costs of establishing a 911 system; and
- The rates associated with the service supplier's 911 service and other service supplier recurring charges.
- The following expenses are not eligible for payment from the fund: the lease or purchase of real estate; cosmetic remodeling of emergency dispatch centers; hiring, training and compensating dispatchers; and the purchase of mobile communications vehicles, ambulances, fire engines or other emergency vehicles.
- The County may contract with a service supplier for any term negotiated by the service supplier and the County and may make payments from the Emergency Telephone System Fund to provide any payments required by the contract.
- Money from the Emergency Telephone System Fund shall be used only to pay for:
- The lease, purchase or maintenance of emergency telephone equipment, including necessary computer hardware, software and database provisioning, addressing and nonrecurring costs of establishing a 911 system; and
- The rates associated with the service supplier's 911 service and other service supplier recurring charges.
- The following expenses are not eligible for payment from the fund: the lease or purchase of real estate; cosmetic remodeling of emergency dispatch centers; hiring, training and compensating dispatchers; and the purchase of mobile communications vehicles, ambulances, fire engines or other emergency vehicles.
- The County may contract with a service supplier for any term negotiated by the service supplier and the County and may make payments from the Emergency Telephone System Fund to provide any payments required by the contract.
The Henderson County Board of Commissioners does hereby cause to be created the Cane Creek Water and Sewer District of Henderson County with the territorial limits described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of U.S. Route 25 and the Henderson County/Buncombe County line, thence westerly along and with the Henderson County/Buncombe County line approximately 8,200 feet more or less to a point where the Henderson County/Buncombe County line takes a southerly direction, thence southerly along and with the Henderson County/Buncombe County line approximately 2,600 feet more or less to a point where the Henderson County/Buncombe County line takes an easterly direction, thence easterly along and with the Henderson County/Buncombe County line approximately 2,000 feet more or less to a point where the Henderson County/Buncombe County line takes a southerly direction, thence southerly along and with the Henderson County/Buncombe County line approximately 2,600 feet more or less to a point where the Henderson County/Buncombe County line intersects the center of Interstate Highway 26 north of the Interstate Highway 26 Rest Area, thence southerly along and with the center line of Highway 26 approximately 12,000 feet more or less to a point which is the intersection of the center lines of Interstate Highway 26 and U.S. Route 25, thence northerly along and with the center line of U.S. Route 25 approximately 800 feet more or less to the intersection of the center lines of U.S. Route 25 and State Road S.R. 1536, thence easterly along and with the center lines of S.R. 1536 approximately 1,400 feet more or less to a point at the intersection of the center lines of S.R. 1536 sometimes referred to as Old Howard Gap Road, and the Southern Railway main track, thence northerly along and with the center line of Southern Railway main track approximately 8,000 feet more or less to a point where the Southern Railway track intersects with the center line of Cane Creek, thence easterly along and with the center line of Cane Creek approximately 1,400 feet more or less to a point where the center line of Cane Creek intersects with the center line of Howard Gap Road S.R. 1006, thence southerly along and with the center line of Howard Cap Road S.R. 1006 approximately 1,000 feet more or less to a point that is the intersection of the center lines of Howard Gap Road S.R. 1006 and Jackson Road S.R. 1539, thence easterly along and with the center line of Jackson Road S.R. 1539 approximately 11,000 feet more or less to a point where the center line of Jackson Road intersects with the center line of Hooper's Creek, thence easterly along and with the center line of Hooper's Creek approximately 3,000 feet more or less to a point where the center line of Hooper's Creek intersects with the center line of Souther/Livingston Road S.R. 1552, thence northerly along and with the center line of Souther/Livingston Road S.R. 1552, thence northerly along and with the center line of Souther/Livingston Road S.R. 1552 approximately 1,600 feet more, or less to a point where the center line of Souther/Livingston Road (SR 1552) intersects with the center line of Jackson Road (SR 1539), thence northeasterly along and with the center line of Jackson Road (SR 1539) approximately 2,000 feet more or less to the intersection of the center lines of Jackson Road (SR 1539) and Hooper's Creek Road (SR 1553) thence westerly along and with the center line of Hooper's Creek Road (SR 1553) approximately 3,000 feet more or less to the intersection of the center lines of Hooper's Creek Road (SR 1553) and Burney Mountain Road (SR 1552), thence northwesterly along and with the center line of Burney Mountain Road (SR 1552) approximately 3,000 feet more or less to the intersection of the center lines of Burney Mountain Road (SR 1552) and Mills Gap Road (SR 1551), thence northerly along and with the center line of Mills Gap Road (SR 1551) approximately 1,000 feet more or less to the intersection of the center line of Mills Gap Road (SR 1551) with the Henderson County/Buncombe County line, thence westerly along and with the Henderson County/Buncombe County line approximately 9,000 feet more or less to the intersection of the Henderson County/Buncombe County lines with the center line of U.S. Route 25 and the point of beginning.
- Money from the Emergency Telephone System Fund shall be used only to pay for:
- The lease, purchase or maintenance of emergency telephone equipment, including necessary computer hardware, software and database provisioning, addressing and nonrecurring costs of establishing a 911 system; and
- The rates associated with the service supplier's 911 service and other service supplier recurring charges.
- The following expenses are not eligible for payment from the fund: the lease or purchase of real estate; cosmetic remodeling of emergency dispatch centers; hiring, training and compensating dispatchers; and the purchase of mobile communications vehicles, ambulances, fire engines or other emergency vehicles.
- The County may contract with a service supplier for any term negotiated by the service supplier and the County and may make payments from the Emergency Telephone System Fund to provide any payments required by the contract.
- Findings.
- The Henderson County Board of Commissioners has been petitioned by French Broad Associates (formerly French Broad Golf Center) and French Broad Golf Center, Inc., under N.C.G.S. 162A-87.1, to annex the area described herein.
- The Henderson County Director of Utilities, the Henderson County Staff Attorney and the Henderson County Attorney investigated the sufficiency of said petition and have certified the sufficiency of said petition, and a public hearing on the question of this annexation was held at the Henderson County Office Building at 7:00 p.m. on the seventh day of March 1994, after due notice by publication on the 23rd day of February 1994.
- The Henderson County Board of Commissioners does hereby find as a fact that said petition meets the requirements of N.C.G.S. 162A-87.1, including Subsections (b) and (c) which are shown below:
- “Annexation by petition. The board of commissioners may, by resolution, extend by annexation the boundaries of any water or sewer district when one hundred percent (100%) of the real property owners of the area to be annexed have petitioned the board for annexation to the water and sewer district.
- “Annexation of property within a city or sanitary district. Territory lying within the corporate limits of a city or sanitary district may not be annexed to a water and sewer district unless the governing body of the city or sanitary district agrees, by resolution, to the annexation."
- By virtue of the authority granted by N.C.G.S. 162A-87.1, the following described territory is hereby annexed and made a part of the Cane Creek Water and Sewer District of Henderson County, North Carolina, as of the first day of July 1994: Beginning at a point in the southern margin of the right of way of Airport Road (S.R. 3526) and at the center of the French Broad River and from said beginning point thus established and with the center of said French Broad River the following calls: South 08 deg. 58' 00" East 155.22 feet; South 14 deg. 20' 00" East 177.00 feet; South 12 deg. 31' 00" East 184.00 feet; South 18 deg. 25' 00" East 177.00 feet; South 09, deg. 35' 00" East 288.00 feet; South 07 deg. 35' 00" East 210.00 feet; South 05 deg. 16' 00" East 187.00 feet; South 03 deg. 22' 00" East 244.00 feet; South 03 deg. 55' 00" East 210.00 feet; South 06 deg. 59' 00" East 229.00 feet; South 12 deg. 08' 00" East 264.00 feet; South 20 deg. 20' 00" East 183.00 feet; South 23 deg. 11' 00" East 190.00 feet; South 29 deg. 44' 00" East 201.00 feet; South 42 deg. 10' 00" East 120.00 feet to a point at the intersection of said French Broad River and Cane Creek; thence with the center line of said Cane Creek the following calls: North 58 deg. 05' 00" East 95.00 feet; North 61 deg. 10' 00" East 141.00 feet; South 88 deg. 45' 00" East 95.00 feet; South 71 deg. 33' 00" East 78.00 feet; North 87 deg. 59' 00" East 234.00 feet; North 67 deg. 18' 00" East 150.00 feet; North 28 deg. 30' 00" East 108.00 feet; North 17 deg. 31' 00" East 123.00 feet; North 26 deg. 33' 00" East 92.00 feet; North 55 deg. 54' 00" East 84.00 feet; South 84 deg. 17' 00" East 83.00 feet; South 50 deg. 10' 00" East 48.00 feet; South 12 deg. 24' 00" East 105.00 feet; South 71 deg. 20' 00" East 81.00 feet; North 68 deg. 14' 00" East 311.00 feet; North 44 deg. 59' 00" East 229.00 feet; North 23 deg. 25' 00" East 88.00 feet; North 54 deg. 06' 00" East 157.00 feet; North 61 deg. 48' 00" East 86.00 feet; North 76 deg. 30' 00" East 139.00 feet; North 41 deg. 10' 00" East 57.00 feet; North 17 deg. 02' 00" East 212.00 feet; North 64 deg. 38' 00" East 57.00 feet; North 79 deg. 55' 00" East 124.00 feet; North 50 deg. 59' 00" East 146.00 feet; North 31 deg. 20' 00" East 157.00 feet; North 41 deg. 22' 00" East 151.00 feet; North 19 deg. 56' 00" East 356.00 feet; North 64 deg. 47' 00" East 51.00 feet; North 77 deg. 35' 00" East 138.00 feet; South 56 deg. 52' 00" East 148.00 feet; North 83 deg. 50' 00" East 101.00 feet; North 48 deg. 27' 00" East 252.00 feet; North 65 deg. 47' 00" East 323.00 feet; South 74 deg. 44' 00" East 92.00 feet; South 45 deg. 41' 00" East 253.00 feet; South 13 deg. 25' 00" East 156.00 feet; South 47 deg. 35' 00" East 141.00 feet; South 62 deg. 47' 00" East 183.00 feet; South 87 deg. 19' 00" East 146.00 feet; and North 66 deg. 28' 00" East 202.55 feet to a point; thence leaving the center line of Cane Creek and along and with the western margin of the right of way for Interstate 26 North 28 deg. 57' 07" West 1108.35 feet to a right of way monument; thence North 28 deg. 43' 15" West 201.68 feet to a right of way monument; thence on a curve to the left having a radius of 7774.44 feet, a chord bearing and distance of North 27 deg. 23' 40" West 215.59 feet to a right of way monument; thence North 29 deg. 37' 21" West 228.58 feet to a right of way monument; thence on a curve to the left having a radius of 2784.79 feet, a chord bearing and distance of North 35 deg. 18' 40" West 331.08 feet to an iron pin set; thence North 48 deg. 12' 40" West 278.47 feet to an iron pin set; thence North 71 deg. 34' 54" West 384.00 feet to a right of way monument; thence North 86 deg. 53' 25" West 184.86 feet to a right of way monument; thence North 85 deg. 58' 20" West 335.05 feet to a right of way monument; thence South 87 deg. 16' 30" West 472.42 feet to a right of way monument; thence South 80 deg. 07' 28" West 42.39 feet to an iron pin set; thence leaving the margin of Interstate 26, South 25 deg. 41' 15" East 1229.76 feet to an iron pin set; thence South 71 deg. 50' 35" West 799.08 feet to an iron pin set; thence South 18 deg. 09' 25" East 894.79 feet to a point; thence South 71 deg. 50' 35" West 150 feet to a point; thence North 18 deg. 09' 25" West 894.79 feet to an iron pin set; thence South 71 deg. 50' 35" West 800.85 feet to an iron pin set; thence North 09 deg. 37' 34" West 1283.64 feet to a point in the southern margin of the right of way of Airport Road (SR 3526); thence along and with the southern margin of the right of way of Airport Road (SR 3526), South 67 deg. 55' 12" West 171.34 feet to an iron pin set; thence South 28 deg. 06' 52" West 78.10 feet to an iron pin set; thence South 67 deg. 55' 12" West 60.00 feet to an iron pin set, thence North 67 deg. 04' 48" West 70.71 feet to an iron pin set; thence South 67 deg. 55' 12" West 922.16 feet to the point and place of beginning. Being parcels A, B, C, and D of the property shown on Cabinet Slides 1246 and 1247 of the Henderson County Register of Deeds Office. Being further the portion of the property described in Henderson County Deed Book 821 beginning at page 111 that is located within Henderson County.
- Upon and after the first of July 1994, the above described territory and its citizens and property shall be subject to all debts, laws, ordinances and regulations in force in the Cane Creek Water and Sewer District of Henderson County, North Carolina, and shall be entitled to the same privileges and benefits as other parts of the Cane Creek Water and Sewer District of Henderson County, North Carolina.
- The Henderson County Utilities Director shall cause this section to be recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Henderson County, North Carolina. A survey of the subject property shall be on file at the Henderson County Utilities Department office which is located at 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina.
- Notice of adoption of this section shall be published once, following the effective date of the annexation, in a newspaper having general circulation in the Cane Creek Water and Sewer District of Henderson County, North Carolina.
- Money from the Emergency Telephone System Fund shall be used only to pay for:
- The lease, purchase or maintenance of emergency telephone equipment, including necessary computer hardware, software and database provisioning, addressing and nonrecurring costs of establishing a 911 system; and
- The rates associated with the service supplier's 911 service and other service supplier recurring charges.
- The following expenses are not eligible for payment from the fund: the lease or purchase of real estate; cosmetic remodeling of emergency dispatch centers; hiring, training and compensating dispatchers; and the purchase of mobile communications vehicles, ambulances, fire engines or other emergency vehicles.
- The County may contract with a service supplier for any term negotiated by the service supplier and the County and may make payments from the Emergency Telephone System Fund to provide any payments required by the contract.
- By virtue of the authority granted by N.C.G.S. 162A-87.1, the boundaries of the Cane Creek Water and Sewer District are hereby extended to include the properties located with the boundary described below, and all such properties are hereby annexed and made a part of the Cane Creek Water and Sewer District as of the first day of July 2000: Beginning at a point located at the western corner of the Cane Creek Water and Sewer District boundary, said point also being the intersection of the northern margin of Fanning Bridge Road (S.R. 1419) and the northwest margin of Butler Farm Road; thence, following the northern margin of Fanning Bridge Road (S.R. 1419) in a westerly direction, approximately 5,808 feet to the intersection of the northern margin of Fanning Bridge Road (S.R. 1419) and the western margin of N.C. Highway 191; thence, following the western margin of N.C. Highway 191 in a southerly direction approximately 7,392 feet to the intersection of the western margin of N.C. Highway 191 and the western margin of N.C. Highway 280; thence, following the western margin of N.C. Highway 280 in a southerly direction (crossing Mills River) approximately 4,752 feet to the intersection of the western margin of N.C. Highway 280 and the northern margin of South Mills River Road (S.R. 1338); thence, following the northern margin of South Mills River Road (S.R. 1338) in a westerly direction approximately 1,056 feet to the intersection of the northern margin of South Mills River Road (S.R. 1338) and the western margin of Old Turnpike Road (S.R. 1328); thence, following the western margin of Old Turnpike Road (S.R. 1328) in a southwesterly direction approximately 6,864 feet to the intersection of the western margin of Old Turnpike Road (S.R. 1328) and N.C. Highway 280; thence, crossing N.C. Highway 280 to the western margin of Schoolhouse Road (S.R. 1426) approximately 528 feet to the intersection of the western margin of Schoolhouse Road (S.R. 1426) and the western margin of Turnpike Road (S.R. 1328) (it is noted that Old Turnpike Road and Turnpike Road are both designated as S.R. 1328); thence, following the western margin of Turnpike Road (S.R. 1328) in a southwesterly direction approximately 3,432 feet to the intersection of the western margin of Turnpike Road (S.R. 1328) and the southern margin of Warlick Road (S.R. 1329); thence, following the southern margin of Warlick Road (S.R. 1329) in a southeasterly direction approximately 700 feet to the intersection of the southern margin of Warlick Road (S.R. 1329) and the center line of Boylston Creek; thence, following the center line of the aforesaid creek in a northeasterly direction approximately 5,950 feet to a point located at the intersection of Boylston Creek and the southern margin of Banner Farm Road (S.R. 1331); thence, following the southern margin of Banner Farm Road (S.R. 1331) in a southeasterly direction, approximately 1,584 feet to the intersection of the southern margin of Banner Farm Road (S.R. 1331) and the eastern margin of Ladson Road (S.R. 1314); thence, following the eastern margin of Ladson Road (S.R. 1314) in a northeasterly direction approximately 5,808 feet to the intersection of the eastern margin of Ladson Road (S.R. 1314) and the center line of Boylston Creek; thence, following the center line of the aforesaid creek in an easterly direction approximately 3,650 feet to the confluence of Boylston Creek and the French Broad River; thence, following the center line of the French Broad River in a northerly direction, approximately 400 feet to a point located at the intersection of the French Broad River and N.C. Highway 191; thence, continuing with the center line of the French Broad River in a northerly direction, approximately 17,100 feet to a point located at the intersection of the French Broad River and the center line of Butler Bridge Road (S.R. 1351); thence, following the center line of Butler Bridge Road (S.R. 1351) in an easterly direction, approximately 5,280 feet to the intersection of the center line of Butler Bridge Road (S.R. 1351) and the center line of I- 26, said intersection also being a point in the Cane Creek Water and Sewer District boundary; thence, along and with the boundary of the Cane Creek Water and Sewer District as follows: following the center line of I-26 in a northwesterly direction, approximately 4,000 feet, to the intersection of the center line of I-26 and the center line of Cane Creek; thence, following the center line of Cane Creek in a westerly direction, approximately 5,650 feet to the center line of the French Broad River; thence, crossing the French Broad River in a westerly direction to the southeast corner of the James A. Ford property (DB/PG 595/873, Henderson County Registry); thence, following the southern boundary of the Ford property approximately 1,100 feet to the southeast corner of Arnold D. Miles property (DB/PG 535/117, Henderson County Registry); thence, following the southern boundary of the Miles property approximately 1,100 feet to the southeastern most corner of the Elbert S. Brown property (DB/PG 467/81, Henderson County Registry); thence, following the southern boundary of the Brown property approximately 750 feet to the Marie-Jeanne Cadgene property (DB/PG 910/713, Henderson County Registry); thence, following the southern boundary of the Cadgene property in a southwesterly direction, approximately 1,500 feet to the eastern margin of Fanning Field Road (S.R. 1354); thence, following the eastern margin of Fanning Field Road (S.R. 1354), crossing N.C. 280, in a northerly direction, approximately 2,850 feet to a point in the eastern margin of Fanning Field Road (S.R. 1354), said point also being located on the boundary of the Cadgene property; thence, following the Cadgene property line approximately 590 feet to the center line of McDowell Creek; thence, following the center line of McDowell Creek (being a Cadgene property line) in a northerly direction approximately 1,150 feet to a point; thence, continuing along the Cadgene property line in a westerly direction approximately 1,550 feet to a point; thence, continuing along the Cadgene western property line, approximately 1,700 feet to a point in Butler Farm Road, said point being the beginning point and being located at the western corner of the Cane Creek Water and Sewer District.
- Upon and after the July 1, 2000, the above described territory and its citizens and property shall be subject to all debts, laws, ordinances and regulations in force in the Cane Creek Water and Sewer District of Henderson County, North Carolina and shall be entitled to the same privileges and benefits as other parts of the Cane Creek Water and Sewer District of Henderson County, North Carolina.
- The Henderson County Utilities Director shall keep a map of the subject property on file at the Henderson County Utilities Department office, which is currently located at 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, North Carolina, 28792.
- Each telephone service supplier shall provide subscriber telephone numbers, names and service addresses to the 911 system(s) subscribed to by the County. Although customer numbers, names and service addresses shall be available to 911 systems, such information shall remain the property of the disclosing service supplier. The total cost of the system shall include expenses paid to service suppliers to provide and maintain 911 information. This information shall be used only in providing emergency response services to 911 calls. The County may not release a telephone number required to be provided under this section to any person for purposes other than including the number in the emergency telephone system database or providing the number to permit a response to a police, fire, medical or other emergency situation.
- To the extent necessary to provide 911 services, private listing customers of a service supplier in a 911 service area waive the privacy afforded by nonlisted and nonpublished numbers when 911 service is established.
- No service supplier or agent or employee of a service supplier shall be liable to any person providing 911 service established under this Chapter for release of emergency telephone information specified in this section that is not already part of the public record, including nonlisted or nonpublished telephone numbers.
A service supplier, including any telephone company and its employees, directors, officers and agents, is not liable for any damages in a civil action for injuries, death or loss to persons or property incurred by any person as a result of any act or omission of a service supplier or of any of its employees, directors, officers or agents, except for willful or wanton misconduct, in connection with developing, adopting, implementing, maintaining or operating any 911 system.
When an individual physically resides in an adjacent county but receives local exchange telephone service from a central office in the County, it shall be the responsibility of the County to notify the appropriate public agency of a request for public safety service from such individual.
Any person who intentionally calls the 911 number for other than purposes of obtaining public safety assistance shall be subject to the penalties set forth in Henderson County Code, Chapter 1, General Provisions, Article II.