
Habitat for Humanity - Homeowners build their own homes alongside volunteers and pay an affordable mortgage. With Habitat’s help, homeowners are able to achieve the independence they need to build a better life for themselves and their families.

Hendersonville Housing Authority - Dedicated to providing affordable housing for families, elderly, disabled and handicapped. Their properties consist of 375 units ranging from 0BR to 5BR apartments for low, very low, and moderate-income families. 

The Housing Assistance Corporation - A private, non-profit organization committed to providing safe and affordable housing for persons of limited income living in Henderson County and surrounding areas. HAC believes every human being deserves the opportunity to live in a decent home.

Thrive - Focuses on assisting individuals who are experiencing mental health and housing instability to get back on their feet. Thrive has housing case management services for individuals that have a mental health, substance use, or medical need for support to maintain stable housing.

WNCSource (formally WCCA) - Helps people build financial stability, improve self-esteem, become self-reliant, develop personal responsibility and contribute to the community. WNCSource programs include services for children, housing, transportation and older adults.