Subpart A. Buffer Requirements

The landscaping standards of this subpart provide requirements for all buffering. This section provides standards for each buffer type. The following standards shall be in effect to provide an appropriate transition between uses, and compliance therewith is required for the establishment and operation of a new use.

Buffers will be determined by identifying the zoning districts of adjacent land use(s). Table 5.1 outlines buffers required between zones. Where the property shares a boundary with more than one (1) zone, the width of the most intense buffer shall be required along the perimeter of the area to be developed; however, the plant materials required shall be calculated and placed based on the respective applicable buffer. See §42-168 (Plant Material) for required plant material.


Table 5.1 Buffer Requirements
Zoning District Industrial Commercial Residential
Industrial N/A B1 B2
Commercial B1 N/A B1
Residential B2 B1 N/A

Table 5.2 describes the width and plant material requirements for the buffers identified in Table 5.1. The length of the perimeter of the area to be developed shall be used in determining the number of plants required.

Table 5.2 Buffer Width And Plant Material Requirements
Buffer Type Width (FT) Plant Material Required Per 100 Linear Feet
Deciduous Trees Evergreen Trees
Large Small Large Small
B1 20 1 2 2 6
B2 30 2 3 5 12

The placement of buffer plantings shall be at the discretion of the developer, and shall be approved as part of the site plan submitted. Trees or shrubs shall not be planted within five (5) feet of any property line to ensure maintenance for access and to avoid encroaching onto the adjacent property. Where a setback requirement is less than the buffer requirement, the buffer width shall override the setback width. Where a setback requirement is greater than the buffer requirement, plant material requirements shall still be applied and such plant materials shall be placed within the buffer area. Trees and shrubs shall be spaced to provide screening.