42-26. Guide to Table of Permitted and Special Uses

  1. Table of Permitted and Special Uses. The Table of Permitted and Special Uses (see

    §42-61) contains a listing of uses which may be permitted in one or more of the various

    Zoning Districts established by this Chapter. Uses are listed in alphabetical order in 13

    functional categories. The categories in the order of listing are:

    (1) Residential Uses

    (2) Accessory Uses

    (3) Accessory Structures

    (4) Recreational Uses

    (5) Educational and Institutional Uses

    (6) Business, Professional and Personal Services

    (7) Retail Trade

    (8) Wholesale Trade

    (9) Transportation, Warehousing, and Utilities

    (10) Manufacturing and Industrial Facilities

    (11) Temporary Uses

    (12) Temporary Structures

    (13) Agricultural Uses

  2. Entries. The District(s) in which a particular listed use may be permitted is indicated by a

    "P" or "S" in the column(s) opposite the listed use.

  3. Meaning of Entries. The meaning of the entries in the Table are as follows:

    1. "P" indicates the use is permitted by right and a zoning permit may be obtained.

    2. "S" indicates the use requires approval of a Special Use Permit in accordance with

    the procedures of §42-355 (Special Use Permits).

    3. The column on the far right labeled "SR" (Supplemental Requirements) means

    that there are special additional performance requirements that the use must

    comply with in its development. These requirements are contained in §42-61

    (Supplemental Requirements to the Table of Permitted and Special Uses). For any

    use subject to a Supplemental Requirement, the Supplemental Requirement shall

    represent the minimum conditions for issuance of a Zoning Permit or a Special

    Use Permit.