42-181. Screen Classification

Screen Classes include:

  1. Screen Class One (1). A continuous hedge of evergreen shrubs (a minimum of eight (8) feet in height at maturity) planted in a five (5) foot strip spaced a maximum of eight (8) feet apart (see Figure 5B).

    Figure 5B. Screen Class One (1) Not to Scale

  2. Screen Class Two (2). A row of conical evergreen plants (a minimum of eight (8) feet in height at maturity) planted in the 15 foot area around that use and structure which is to be screened, and spaced a maximum of 15 feet apart (see Figure 5C).

    Figure 5C. Screen Class Two (2) Not to Scale

  3. Screen Class Three (3). A fence or wall constructed with a minimum height of six (6) feet, that is at least 75 percent opaque, where all spaces are evenly distributed, and with the finished side of the fence facing the adjacent property or road. Fences longer than 20 linear feet shall be landscaped with: a row of shrubs spaced a maximum of ten (10) feet apart, or a row of evergreen trees planted no more than 15 feet apart (see Figure 5D).

    Figure 5D. Screen Class Three (3) Not to Scale

  4. Screen Class Four (4). A fence or wall constructed with a minimum height of eight (8) feet designed to facilitate the movement of maintenance and emergency response equipment to and from the proposed site. Gates should be secured at all times (unless for maintenance, inspection, or other unforeseen instances) following the completion of construction. Fencing may be in common with other existing uses on site. Fences longer than 20 linear feet shall be landscaped (excluding the gate area) with: a continuous hedge of evergreen shrubs planted in a five (5) foot strip spaced a maximum of eight (8) feet apart. The Zoning Administrator may require additional screening to minimize adverse impacts of ground level lighting (where installed) (see Figure 5E).

    Figure 5E. Screen Class Four (4) Not to Scale