42-111. Private Road Standard Reductions

  1. Right-of-way Width Reduction. Right-of-way width requirements may be reduced to 30 feet in width where no more than five (5) lots are proposed and it is unlikely (due to design, topographic conditions or existing development) that any road contained therein would be extended to serve more than five (5) lots. 
  2. Centerline Curve Radius Reductions. Centerline curve radius reductions may be reduced to:
    1. 80 feet where the existing cross slope on private subdivision collector roads is 15 percent or greater, or
    2. 60 feet where the existing cross slope on private subdivision limited local residential subdivision roads or private subdivision local residential subdivision roads is 15 percent or greater.
  3. Shoulder Width Reduction. Shoulder width shall be reduced for:
    1. Private subdivision local roads and private subdivision collector roads to a minimum of two (2) feet in cases where the existing cross slope is 20 percent or greater; and
    2. Private subdivision collector roads to a minimum of four (4) feet in cases where the existing cross slope is greater than ten (10) but less than 20 percent or greater.
  4. Cut and Fill Slopes. Cut and fill slopes shall be reduced to 1:1 where the existing cross slope is 20 percent or greater. Additional erosion control measures are required in areas where cut and fill slopes utilize this reduction.  Enforced by the Erosion Control Administrator.