Transportation Advisory Committee

(11 appointed positions)

Transportation within Henderson County and its municipalities is a valuable and important asset. Henderson County established its Transporation Advisory Committee (TAC) to: (1) advise the Board of Commissioners and members of the French Broad MPO on matters related to transportation in Henderson County; (2) promote intergovernmental cooperation on transportation issues; (3) assess the transportation needs of the County and suggest methods to address these issues; and (4) work with the French Broad MPO and the Department of Transportation on projects including long range transportation planning, major and minor street/road improvement projects, road and bridge safety, public transportation and other alternative forms of transportation. The TAC shall adhere to its established bylaws.

Meeting Schedule:  The TAC meets the third Wednesday of every month at 4:00 PM (unless otherwise noted) in the King Street Meeting Room, in the County Administration Building, located at 100 North King Street, Hendersonville, NC. Please check the meeting calendar for any schedule changes.

Term: 2 years


Janna Bianculli, Senior Planner
(828) 694-6557

Specific Duties

See Henderson County Transportation Advisory Committee (TAC) Charter (below).