Other GIS Links
Below you will find some very useful links to GIS data and services, both for online map users as well as GIS professionals.
- What is GIS?
- NCOneMap: "comprehensive discovery of North Carolina's essential geospatial data."
- NC Landslide information
- City of Hendersonville Flood Planning Map
- NCDOT Road Closure Map
- NC Emergency Management Spatial Data Download: download LiDAR QL1 (2017-2018) data and other data.
- NRCS Web Soil Survey: download soils data.
- North Carolina Floodplain Mapping Program: download floodplain and other data related to floodplain mapping.
- NCDOT: download data from NC DOT.
- NCDOT Local and Regional Data Resources
- NC DEQ GIS Online: access data and map services from the NC Department of Environmental Quality.
- NC Geodetic Survey
- NC Geological Survey
- USGS - The National Map: download topography, hydrography, and other data.
- Esri: website for the leading GIS software company.
- Esri Support
- ArcGIS Online: Esri's online GIS.
- Google Maps
- USGS Map Locator: download "US Topo" GeoPDF's and other data.
- USGS TopoView: download Historical USGS topo maps.
- US Forest Service Geospatial Data Discovery
- CalTopo (seamless USGS quads for the US, ability to import GPS tracks)
- USGS Streamer: trace US streams "upstream to their source or downstream to where they empty."
- National Geographic PDF Quads: download USGS quads in a convenient, ready-to-print PDF format.
- Convert Degrees-Minutes-Seconds to Decimal Degrees
- MSD GIS Viewer (Buncombe County Metropolitan Sewer District)
GIS layers via Map / Image Services:
- Henderson County GIS layers (via ArcGIS REST services)
- USA Topo Maps: USGS quads for the US, via ArcGIS REST services
- Esri ArcGIS REST Services
- NCOneMap REST Services
- North Carolina Statewide Orthophotos (via ArcGIS cached Image Service)
- North Carolina Statewide Parcels
- Statewide Roads
- GIS Surfer: extensive list of ArcGIS Server map services