
Recycling is one of the best ways to lower your carbon footprint while reducing your waste stream significantly. Not only do you reduce your waste stream, but goods made from recycled products require less water, energy and pollution to produce. For example, producing recycled paper causes 74 percent less air pollution and 35 percent less water pollution than producing virgin paper. One ton of virgin paper uses 24 trees. By choosing to recycle and buy recycled you can reduce the waste stream further down the line, reduce your carbon footprint and save natural resources.

Are you curious about what your recyclables are made into? Ever wondered what happens after you put them in the bin? Check out this video to see how recyclables are sorted and made into new items.

The County operates a drop-off center for recycling, located on Convenience Center Drive, just north of Hendersonville off of Stoney Mountain Road.

The Solid Waste Division also coordinates a recycling bin loan program for special events through Environmental Programs. Please click here to download a request form. Call (828) 694-6524 for more information or for assistance in implementing waste diversion for your special event.

If you live in the City of Hendersonville, you receive curbside pickup of your recyclables from the City of Hendersonville. More information about service can be obtained by contacting the City of Hendersonville.

If you live in the Town of Fletcher, you receive curbside pickup of your recyclables from Curbside Management in Woodfin, NC. More information about service can be obtained by contacting the Town of Fletcher.

If you live in the Town of Laurel Park, you receive curbside pickup of your recyclables through blue bag service from GDS. More information about service can be obtained by contacting the Town of Laurel Park.

If you live in unincorporated Henderson County, you may either take your recyclables to the Henderson County Convenience Center or hire a hauler that offers recycling as part of their service.

Click here to download Henderson County's recycling guidelines.

"Hard to Recycle " Items

To search for other local or regional facilities that accept "hard to recycle items," check out Earth911 and use the search function to locate the nearest place to take your item(s). We are currently researching drop-off or take-back programs for items we do not normally recycle at the Convenience Center.